Steps to become a Professional Barber at Bos-Man’s Barber College!
Our Course Offering: Barbering and Instructor Trainee
DESCRIPTION: The Barbering Course is designed to train and prepare
students for the profession of barbering.
This course will provide students with the information needed to pass
the state licensure exams as well as the most contemporary techniques to ensure
your success in school and employment on the job. This course ffers skills,
safety judgments, proper work habits, business skills, and desirable attitudes
necessary to obtain licensure and for competency in job entry-level positions
in Barbering or a related career field.

Upon completion of the course requirements, the
determined graduate will be able to:
1. Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self-confidence.
2. Project professionalism, visual poise and proper grooming.
3. Communicate effectively and interact appropriately colleagues, supervisors and clients.
4. Respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received in an employment
5. Perform the basic manipulative skills in the areas of hair cutting, hair styling, scalp care, and shaving.
6. Perform the basic analytical skills to advise clients in the total look concept.
7. Apply academic learning, technical information and related matter to assure sound judgments, decisions and procedures.
To ensure continued career success, the graduate will continue to learn new and current information related to skills, trends, and methods for career development in Barbering and related fields.
REFERENCES: A comprehensive library of references, periodicals, books, texts, and video materials are available to support the program of study and supplement the program of study. Students should avail themselves of the opportunity to use these extensive materials.
The clock hour education is provided through a sequential set of learning steps which address specific tasks necessary for state board preparation, graduation and job entry level skills. Clinic floor equipment, implements, and products are comparable to those used in the industry. Each student will receive instruction that relates to the performance of useful, creative, and productive career oriented activities. The course is presented through comprehensive lesson plans which reflect effective educational methods. Subjects are presented by means of interactive lecture, demonstration, cooperative learning, labs, and student participation. Audio-visual aids, guest speakers, field trips, projects, activities, and other related learning methods are used in the course.
The qualitative element used to determine academic progress is a reasonable system of grades as determined by assigned academic learning. Students are assigned academic learning and a minimum number of practical experiences. Academic learning is evaluated after each unit of study. Practical assignments are evaluated as completed and counted toward course completion. At least four comprehensive practical skills evaluations will be conducted during the course of study. Practical skills are evaluated according to text procedures and set forth in practical skills evaluation criteria adopted by the school. Students must maintain a written grade average of 70% and pass a FINAL written and practical exam prior to graduation. Students must make up missed tests and incomplete assignments. Numerical grades are considered according to the following scale:
Bos-Man’s Barber College Barbering students are expected to meet the minimum curriculum requirements of 70% (out of 100% scale) of the Barbering examinations given. Grades for practical exams are given at 450 clock hours, 900 clock hours, 1200 clock hours and 1500 clock hours.
A Excellent – 90-100
B Good – 80-89
C Satisfactory – 70-79
D Unsatisfactory -60-69
F Failing – Below 60
This course is taught in English
DESCRIPTION: The Instructor Trainee Course is designed to teach and train career education instructors in the barber profession approaches in teaching and new directions for learning. This course will prepare educators for the marketplace with the information needed to pass the state licensure exams. This course offers skills, safety judgments, proper work habits, business skills, and desirable attitudes necessary to obtain licensure and for competency in job entry-level positions in Barbering Education or a related career field.
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course requirements, the determined graduate will be able to:
1. Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self-confidence.
2. Project professionalism, visual poise and proper grooming.
3. Communicate effectively and interact appropriately with students, colleagues, supervisors
and clients.
4. Respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received in an employment
5. Perform the basic manipulative skills in the areas of hair cutting, hair styling, scalp care and shaving.
6. Perform the basic analytical skills to advise students how to give their clients in the
total look concept.
7. Apply academic learning, technical information and related matter to assure sound judgments, decisions and procedures.
To ensure continued career success, the graduate will continue to learn new and current information related to teaching skills, trends, and methods for career development in Barber Education and
related fields.
A comprehensive library of references, periodicals, books, texts, and video materials are available to support the program of study and supplement the program of study. Students should avail themselves of the opportunity to use these extensive materials.
The clock hour education is provided through a sequential set of learning steps which address specific tasks necessary for state board preparation, graduation and job entry level skills. Clinic floor
equipment, implements, and products are comparable to those used in the industry. Each student will receive instruction that relates to the performance of useful, creative, and productive career oriented activities. The course is presented through comprehensive lesson plans which reflect effective educational methods. Subjects are presented by means of interactive lecture, demonstration, cooperative learning, labs, and student participation. Audio-visual aids, guest speakers, field trips, projects, activities, and other related learning methods are used in the course.
The qualitative element used to determine academic progress is a reasonable system of grades as determined by assigned academic learning. Instructor Trainees are assigned academic learning and a minimum number of
practical experiences. Academic learning is evaluated after each unit of study. Practical assignments are evaluated as completed and counted toward course completion. At least three comprehensive practical skills evaluations will be conducted during the course of study. Practical skills are evaluated according to text procedures and set forth in practical skills evaluation criteria adopted by the school. Instructor Trainees must maintain a written grade average of 70% and pass a FINAL written and practical exam prior to graduation. Instructor Trainees must make up missed tests and incomplete assignments. Numerical grades are considered according to the following scale:
Bos-Man’s Barber College Instructor Trainee students are expected to meet the minimum curriculum requirements of 70% (out of 100% scale) of the Instructor Trainee examinations given. Grades for practical exams are given at 250 clock hours, 500 clock hours, 750 clock hours.
A Excellent – 90-100
B Good – 80-89
C Satisfactory – 70-79
D Unsatisfactory -60-69
F Failing – Below 60
Financial Aid is available for those who qualify and for eligible programs only.
Class Overview
Day Classes are Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
Night Classes are Monday – Friday 5pm -9pm
Interested in taking one of our courses?
If you have additional questions or would like to register for a class,
please contact us by completing our contact information form, or by calling (318) 635-2000
Holidays, inclement weather, & special closings will be posted by public bulletins, memos, texts and/or notices.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you accept financial aid?
Yes, Bos-Man’s Barber College is a state-recognized and fully-accredited institution. As a result, we accept payment from all major financial and government providers.
Can I transfer old credits from my previous studies?
In most cases, yes. Prior to enrollment, send us certified copies of your transcripts and we will review them to determine which credits are transferrable.
Can I transfer my credits from Bos-Man's Barber College to other schools?
Definitely. All of our course are fully accredited and may be eligible for transfer to other institutions. Contact your financial institution to ensure all credits will be accepted.
How long does the course take to complete?
Full-time students can complete the Barbering program in approximately ten (10) to twelve (12) months. Full-time students can complete the Instructor Trainee program in approximately five (5) months.